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Fitness Ladies


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I am more than excited that you have decided to make a change in your life to improve your health and wellness! This is going to be a lifelong journey, but you will soon notice the positive changes along the way. All I ask is that you approach this journey with patience, grace, and positivity.

Like most of us, I am sure you are excited to start seeing some results as you work towards reaching your goals, but it’s important to understand that your body takes time to show those changes. You will certainly feel the changes, but they won’t be visible to the naked eye. For most people, changes aren’t seen until the 8-12-week mark. To prevent unnecessary discouragement, you will need to remind yourself of this truth every day and have patience with your body as you work towards your goals. If you focus on consistency I promise the results will show!


I’m sure you have begun and ended exercise programs in the past, or maybe this is your first time starting one. Either way, you will soon notice the “excitement phase” wear off as the weeks go on. You will become distracted with life, your schedule will be disrupted, or an illness will strike your home, and you’ll start to fall behind on your workout schedule. Life will happen in your fitness journey and for a lot of people it’s the breaking point where they decide to give up. But you won’t give up, you will be different. Give yourself grace when things happen, and you aren’t able to follow through perfectly with your workout schedule. Regardless of how far you’ve been set back, I want you to get up and get back to it. It’s never too late and you’re never too far gone.


Staying positive is the key to maintaining the habits of a healthy lifestyle. Even on the days when you’re busy, exhausted, stressed, sad, angry, or whatever, and you aren’t up for a workout, just remember that movement is therapy! Your body craves it. Whether it’s intense or easy-going, movement will always make you feel better!

As your personal trainer, I am here to help remind you of these truths and keep you motivated along the way. Please feel free to ask any fitness-related question as I am your resource for exercise information, and even if I don’t know the answer to your question, I will find it! I am so looking forward to being a part of your fitness journey! I hope this is a positive experience for you and I truly hope you develop a lasting love and enjoyment of exercise and wellness! This is going to be life changing…



Rachael Tucker    

Founder, Lead Trainer



Click the menu icon in the bottom right corner (cluster of dots). Go to “Files”. This is where you will find the, Liability and Release Waiver and other important documents you need to view. Please make sure to read through everything. This is also where you will download meal plans and other documents I may assign to you.


Click on the menu icon again. Go to “Forms” and complete everything listed. These forms are required to be filled out and signed by you. If you have any questions, please contact me for assistance.


Click on the menu icon again. Go to “Settings” and select “General” -> “My Details”. Scroll to the bottom and find “Time Zone”. Make sure to select your accurate time zone. (This prevents any issues with your workout program days/times that you’re assigned). Go back to “Settings” select “Feature Settings” –> “Notifications” and make sure all notifications are ON. You should also go to your phone’s setting and make sure to enable push notifications for the app. This is important for your program assignments, communication, and workout/habit/session reminders. If you would like to sync your Fitbit or Apple Watch, you can do this by selecting “Feature Settings” -> “Integration Connections”.


Click on the menu icon again. Go to “Hub”, then select “Update Metrics”. Please enter your weight and body measurements here. Measurements will be taken at throughout your program. Your weight can be measured every week depending on your preferences (make sure you weigh yourself first thing in the morning for consistency).


Return to the “Hub” and select “Progress Photo”. You will see the “Upload” button at the bottom of your screen which will prompt you to select a front, side, and back photo. You can choose to upload your photos or take your photos through the app. Photos will be updated throughout your program.


Click the menu icon again and select “Chat”. Press the “New Chat” button at the bottom and select the user “Rachael Tucker”. Please send a message to let me know you are all set up and ready to start working out!

For additional help, you can always go to the menu and select "Help Videos".




Please select the session you would like to schedule:

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